Every sporting event developed in the natural environment has the duty to preserve the course before, during and at the end of the event.
The Costa da Morte enjoys spaces catalogued for special protection. It belongs to the Natura 2000 Network and is protected by SCI (Sites of Community Importance) and SPA (Special Protection Areas for Birds). SCI areas are Costa da Morte and Carnota – Monte Pindo and SPA areas, Costa da Morte (North). Of course, these areas will enjoy special protection by the Organization and measures will be taken for their preservation.
Birds use the Costa da Morte as a migration route between Europe and America. It has estuaries where you can admire many birds from different viewpoints. The Laguna de Traba and the Anllóns with its mouth are areas of great richness in terms of number of species sighted.
Another area of great importance is Baldaio; lagoon and marsh where a multitude of bird species live throughout the year. As in different areas of A Costa da Morte, there are observatories from which you can contemplate the fauna in its habitat without disturbing them.
At each stage measures will be available to take care of the environment that will include punitive measures if not complied with, the disqualification between them. We will be very strict in this matter because we love our land and we want to have more editions of this or other events.
Measures such as not having glasses in the refreshment posts, disposition of containers in enabled areas, brand of gels for each participant, review of the route once the event is held and others will serve to maintain our commitment to the environment.
Other measures will be available such as not carrying out physiological needs in aquifers, not carrying out cross country, … to avoid deterioration and not disturb the fauna.
The organization and volunteer staff will enjoy the necessary training to preserve the environment and ensure at all times strict compliance with the rules to be taken into account.
If we want to preserve the environment and continue to enjoy it we must scrupulously comply with the rules that are set for the good of all and especially for the survival of outdoor events.