Responsibility for the organisation of sporting events
On 31st January, members of the Grand Trail Costa da Morte Organisation attended the talk “Responsibility in the organisation of sporting events” given by the prestigious Galician lawyer and sportsman Alejandro López in Betanzos (A Coruña).
In front of a large and participative audience, Alejandro spoke about the current legislation that should know all sports events organization. He clarified the doubts of the attendees and gave clear examples of what should be done and should not be done at the legislative level.
Alejandro took advantage of the event to present his book “El guía benévolo y otras dudas jurídicas habituales de un club de montaña” (The benevolent guide and other usual legal doubts of a mountain club).
The talk, organized by the Club Deportivo As Vellas Non Paramos with the collaboration of the City Council of Betanzos, was aimed at athletes, clubs, administrations, associations and the general public.